Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Question 1

So. Here goes my first question for my fabulous teaching/technology blog. I think it is very important to incorporate technology in all aspects of teaching. I think (at least for myself) that students learn better when they are entertained and when the content is applicable to real life. For example, as an English major I have found that I really appreciate literary references in tv sitcoms and movies because of my literary background. Family Guy and Simpsons are both full of such references. So. My question is how does one draw the line between sensory overload and boring? How can we, as teachers, toe the proverbial line between losing content and core objectives within a barrage of media and lost time trying to stay current with latest and greatest advances, converting curriculum to projectors, powerpoints, prezis ad infinitum? I know for myself I get easily distracted and could spend countless hours researching new methods and losing time, I also know myself and know that I could also get overwhelmed with trying to implement new things and just wash my hands of it and go back to lecture. WHAT SHOULD I DO?? HELP ME PLEASE???!!!!


  1. I totally agree that literature references in pop culture are really fun and they can make great additions to class presentations etc... I think the trick to mixing technology and class time will be to set a plan for yourself ahead of time and really stick to it. Decide that you will only do 1 powerpoint or prezi a week or something like that. And it would probably be pretty constructivist and integrated to have the students working on various multimedia presentations to display their knowledge and then you don't have to do all the work, and your students still get all the benefit of technology and using different intelligences and peer scaffolding. - Kristen Curran

  2. I think that you will find a balance. Just as we do in everyday life. As teaching becomes part of your everyday life you will find a balance that works well for you and your students. It will change as it needs to!

  3. Continue to ask questions of yourself and your students. The contemporary student will sense false engagement. Only seek technology which contributes directly to the engagement of your students. The only way to find that balance is to incrementally test their engagement.

  4. My plan is to just go with it. I don't have any desire to stand and lecture my students. I will most likely, transition between many different types of media because I enjoy being taught that way and I am sure my students will too. Yes, we need to study technology and try to utilize what will make us more effective teachers. Never just go back to lecture. Just my thoughts.

  5. By the way, I freaking love that picture.

  6. I think that using technology in the classroom can be a helpful tool if it actually adds to the content you're teaching. However, I agree that media can be distracting if it is used all the time. I think a combination of both lecture and media are important in the classroom in order for effective teaching and learning to take place.

  7. There is no such thing as to much Simpsons or Family Guy. For the most part they are historically accurate and up to par when it comes to teaching. Plus, kids can relate to both of those shows.

  8. Technology is there for us to use and to keep thing fun and exciting. It's like enything else, to much is just to much. Watching our students is the best way to know when they have reached their limits of any activity. Make it relevant and it will work!

  9. I'm hoping these kinds of questions will be answered as we get out and log some hours teaching. There's got to be a balance that will feel right for our own teaching style.
